Neurophysics – Neurophysique

Internship proposals

Subject 1 Modeling and numerical simulation of neuron and neuronal networks morphogenesis Left: dual culture chambers connected by simple diodes; top: experiment; middle: simulated neuronal network morphology; bottom: resulting connectome. Middle: experimental design of improved neurnal diodes (J. Courte et

Biologie des systèmes et neurosciences

Formalisation de la problématique En général, les neurosciences computationnelles se sont essentiellement occupées de modèles membranaires, de récepteurs moléculairres, d’effets des modulateurs (sérotonine, etc.) sur la transmission synaptique et leur impact sur le comportement des réseaux. La biologie des systèmes

Biologie des systèmes et neurosciences

Une idée de parcours d’études Thèmes de cours : Utilisation de la cinétique chimique pour modéliser les voies de signalisation neuronales. Lois d’action de masse dans le calcul biochimique. Organisation spatiale et diffusion dans la signalisation neuronale. Les performances (et

Neuronal cultures and reservoir computing

Many real world information processing task are temporal. Living organisms receive input signals overtime and must take decision according to the processing of pieces of information arriving in series. This is also true for many technological applications such as prediction

Biological computation

Consideration of the Physics of Biological Computation leads to several important insights and conclu­sions on different designs evolved and selected by nature to optimize the functionalities of living systems and solve problems. In this entry I’ll start documenting several ideas

« Growth and Activity of Neuronal Cultures » thesis of Tanguy Fardet

The thesis of Tanguy Fardet which I co-supervised with Pascal Monceau and Stéphane Métens defended in septembre 2018. Exploring neuronal cultures towards their applications to investigate neuronal computation.

« Emergent design of neuronal devices » thesis of Renaud Renault

Emergent design of neuronal devices, The thesis of Renaud Renaud which i co-supervised with my colleague pascal monceau and in strong collaboration with Elisha Moses and jean-Louis Viovy. Defended in Septembre 2015? In this thesis Renaud wrote in particular a

Internship proposal : robusteness of neuronal networks against neurodegenerative attacks

Modeling Neuronal Networks Robustness under Neurodegenerative attacks Graphical Abstract : Multi-nodal Networks under Degenerative Insults This internships, and possibly a thesis, aims to start modeling the robustness of neuronal networks to neurodegenerative attacks of various kinds. We would like to

Looking for a Marie-Curie post-doc ? We can help you to join the lab !

Apply for a Marie-Curie grant to join our lab ! Our themes  at  the MSC Neurophysics group : Theoretical approach and modeling of neuronal network cultures : towards neuronal devices and neuronal disease models In strong collaboration with leading experimental

Habilitation à diriger des recherches – Soutenance

Habilitation à diriger des recherches Date : le 29 Novembre 2018, 15h Lieu : université Paris 7-Diderot, bâtiment Olympe de Gouges (accès par la rue Albert Einstein, 7501), mais dans la salle 576 « Jean Laplanche »,  5ème étage (plan d’accès) Structure et